[jdev] Shared Editing with XMPP

Laine Markku markku.laine at aalto.fi
Thu Aug 22 10:53:17 UTC 2013

Thanks all for the tips! Regarding the discussion about choosing a proper XMPP server, I shortlisted some XMPP servers and included their support for web-based networking (correct me if I am wrong here):
 * ejabberd Community Server (BOSH: yes, WebSocket: yes via plugin)
 * MongooseIM (BOSH: yes, WebSocket: yes)
 * Openfire (BOSH: yes, WebSocket: yes via plugin) 
 * Prosody (BOSH: yes, WebSocket: yes via plugin)
 * Tigase (BOSH: yes, WebSocket: yes)

My requirements for an XMPP server are that it 1) is open source, 2) supports both techniques (XMPP over BOSH and XMPP over WebSocket), 3) has a good performance, and 4) is being actively maintained/developed. I am currently thinking of MongooseIM as it meets most - or even all - of my requirement. I would love to hear your recommendations, though.

In addition, it would be great to hear which XMPP servers (preferable of those listed above) and XMPP clients for JavaScript have implemented "XEP-0284: Shared XML Editing". I could not find any information regarding the implementations :(


Ps. Apache Wave seems to support data synchronization out-of-the-box via its OT engine and Wave Federation Protocol (an XMPP extension). However, as far as I know it lacks support for BOSH and an XMPP client for JavaScript (web application development is done with Google Web Toolkit, Java).

On 21.8.2013, at 10.53, Dave Cridland <dave at cridland.net>

> On 20 Aug 2013 09:48, "Ashley Ward" <ashley.ward at surevine.com> wrote:
> >
> > On 15 Aug 2013, at 14:33, Dave Cridland <dave at cridland.net> wrote:
> > > PS - I would personally consider a different XMPP server - Openfire didn't seem to be actively maintained last I looked, whereas Prosody, ejabberd, MongooseIM, M-Link, and Soapbox all have active developers.
> >
> > Openfire is still actively maintained - the last release was only a few months ago. I know it's not really very 'cool' these days, but it still remains one of the easiest xmpp servers to install and configure (thanks to a decent web admin panel), and I would guess still very popular if the 5 million downloads they quote on their homepage is correct!
> Unless you're saying that Surevine or add someone equally smart has been doing some serious work on it of late, I'm not going to change my opinion, really. That server was very good in its day, and the admin interface is great for basic tasks, but it needs some serious work to remove the software rot.
> Given the vast number of critical installations, I'd love to see that work done, mind.
> Dave.
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