[jdev] Google Summer of Code

Kevin Smith kevin at kismith.co.uk
Thu Mar 29 16:16:24 UTC 2012

On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 8:00 PM, João Paquim <jonhypaquim at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hey everyone,


> My name is João Paquim, and I'm working on my application for GSOC 2012.
> I could use some tips from you guys, I'm having some difficulty choosing
> something to work on, I've spent some time looking at the Ideas list, but I
> can't help but feel a little lost. There are many things that would interest
> me, but I would need some guidance in preparing the application.

I think it'd be a sensible first step to look at the projects (e.g.
Swift, Spectrum, Jitsi...) and see which you'd most like to work on.
You'll then find contact details for the mentors for those projects
available on the ideas page, and could get in touch with them to see
which of the ideas might suit you best.

> How many
> people regularly have their GSoC applications rejected?

That statistic isn't particularly meaningful, as the quality of
application varies wildly.


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