[jdev] High level XMPP Javascript client (Sergey Dobrov)

Sergey Dobrov binary at jrudevels.org
Thu Apr 26 12:38:30 UTC 2012

On 04/26/2012 06:30 PM, Michael Weibel wrote:
> Hi,
>> That sounds interesting. I'm doing a similar thing with candy (http://candy-chat.github.com/candy) and I'm implementing a SDP to Jingle Mapping javascript library over here: https://github.com/mweibel/sdpToJingle
> I've just seen that you actually use my code here:
> http://trac.jrudevels.org/habahaba/browser/habahaba/media/js/jslix/jingle.js?rev=1120d5de1fb187b4c687b385ee92ac95826f0c71

Yes, I just remade it to use jslix and the code became smaller after that.

> I appreciate that but please include my authorship information.

Sure I will, it's just a draft.

> Thanks,
> Michael
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With best regards,
Sergey Dobrov,
XMPP Developer and JRuDevels.org founder.

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