[jdev] GSoC2011 project idea

Theo Cushion theo at jivatechnology.com
Mon Mar 7 08:21:01 CST 2011

That sounds like a great project. The ARM9 should provide plenty of power to deal with the XMPP side of things.

With regards to formats, I've no idea what sort of data you are interested in but I've previously stumbled across: http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0127.html which might be useful to you.

I'm sure someone else on here can offer more advice though on formats.

On 7 Mar 2011, at 13:49, karel pavlata wrote:

> Hi..
> In our first approach I'm counting on ARM9 based embedded system with
> linux running on top of it and probably Java as programming
> environment (there will be also implemented ReST access to the
> network). I designed HW platform which is agnostic to the particular
> WSN and gateway would pose as abstraction, so it's exactly ass You
> said. Later I would like to re-implement the idea (if turns to be
> usable) to some more lightweight device. I was thinking of XMPP to
> pose as tool for gateways to distribute events and to exchange
> configuration among them.
> karel
> 2011/3/7 Theo Cushion <theo at jivatechnology.com>:
>> Hi Karel,
>> I've thrown around the idea of using XMPP as a system for distributing sensor data before. The pubsub mechanism provides a lot of really nice features that would make it great for clients.
>> I think your biggest hurdle is going to be the resource constrained embedded device. What platform are you going to be using? Is battery power an issue? The big problem is that you need a full network stack, and then enough processing power to crunch the XML. Is it possible that the XMPP gateway is a bit more powerful with access to say a ZigBee network on one side and the XMPP system on the other?
>> Just some thoughts.
>> Good luck!
>> Theo
>> On 7 Mar 2011, at 13:32, karel pavlata wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm a student working on 'smart' gateway for wireless sensor networks
>>> (WSN) with an idea of XMPP as a messaging/event distribution system.
>>> It would be probably build around XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe and/or
>>> XEP-0163: Personal Eventing Protocol with clients registering on
>>> particular events (e.g. motion detection, new temperature measurement,
>>> etc.) which would be gathered in a tree of collection and leaf nodes.
>>> Multiple resources (gateways) of single user (representing particular
>>> WSN) would coexist and publish events and in this way client would
>>> receive events from whole network independently of which gateway
>>> generated it. If You have any comments regarding feasibility or like
>>> the idea and would like to suggest it for GSoC and pose as a mentor
>>> please let me know. If the idea is viable it could be another nice
>>> usage of XMPP and possible candidate for XEP(?). It would be mainly
>>> machine-to-machine communication with gateways being resource
>>> constrained embedded devices.
>>> regards
>>> Karel Pavlata
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