[jdev] Interop Preparation

Dave Cridland dave at cridland.net
Mon Nov 29 10:10:47 CST 2010

On Mon Nov 29 13:54:26 2010, Tobias Markmann wrote:
> On 09.11.10 22:26, bear wrote:
> > Any thoughts, critiques, flames?
> >
> It would also be nice if those providing interop testing software  
> add a
> list of features they support for testing to the wiki page.
The main thing we need to test - before anything else - is the core.  
But I agree that having "extra" features might be useful.

> Don't know whether we need to list all features and XEPs or just the
> areas where one behaves different from a standard.

Maybe the best thing would be to get everyone involved into a  
chatroom at the same time so we can exchange thoughts on any further  
testing we can usefully do.

As a for-instance, I'm interested in seeing XEP-0055 behaviour in  
different clients, as well as if anyone's got XEP-0198. Also, I  
should have "full" XEP-0060 on-a-jid (what I currently refer to as  
Ultra-PEP, thus demonstrating why I don't work in marketing) by the  
time we run up servers for interop, which is quite interesting. (I  
notice that Gajim has some support for things beyond PEP, with  
configuration support etc - I don't know if any other clients to, or  
if they're using XEP-0222/XEP-0223 already anywhere).

Dave Cridland - mailto:dave at cridland.net - xmpp:dwd at dave.cridland.net
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