[jdev] When to pass the JID??

Mason, Matt Matt.Mason at agilysys.com
Fri May 21 15:29:02 CDT 2010

Greetings -


Reading through the spec <http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3920.txt>  on the
bottom of page 17, top of 18 shows a basic "session".  In my
implementation I am trying to figure out when the heck to pass the JID
of the client.  Not in the stream.  And I read somewhere in the spec
that the server should ignore From on messages, and use what is known to
prevent message spoofing.  So can someone please tell me when the JID is
passed from the client to the server?  The spec seems pretty verbose,
and oddly doesn't appear to specifically state when the initial JID is


Any ideas?




Matt Mason



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