[jdev] Video Chat Activity

Swarandeep Singh swarndeep2smart at gmail.com
Sat May 1 13:04:32 CDT 2010

Some of the student developers at NSIT are working on developing Video Chat
Activity for the OLPC Laptop.Our basic aim is to develop this activity for
the sugar OS/framework by taking use of Empathy's video capabilities and

Can someone guide us on the following pointers.

1.What shall be a good starting point for this project?
2.What shall be the roadmap for this project?
3.What shall be the timeline for developing the basic video chat

We plan to further extending this video chat activity by allowing multi-user
chats.The videos of the chats shall be uploaded automatically on an online

Best regards
Swarandeep Singh
Undergraduate Student, IT Department NSIT, Delhi University, India
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