[jdev] New(?) NAT-to-NAT client-server tunneling method

Justin Karneges justin-keyword-jabber.093179 at affinix.com
Mon Mar 29 12:17:44 CDT 2010

On Monday 29 March 2010 05:10:42 Pedro Melo wrote:
> Hi,
> found this today, seems to work between my office and home networks,
> both behind NAT.
> http://samy.pl/pwnat/

Clever. :)  The core mechanism should be slightly less effective than normal 
STUN.  What's novel about it is that it doesn't require an external signaling 
channel.  It is quite "hacky" though.  Particularly the ICMP trick would send 
lots of useless packets when you're not using the service.  But, if you have 
a strong need to set up a proxy server on a network where you have no NAT 
control and don't want to have to use or maintain an intermediary service to 
act as a signaling channel, then this looks like a neat tool.

It probably has no fit with XMPP though.  We have a signaling channel where we 
can use STUN correctly.  And we can do more than just STUN, too.


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