[jdev] questions about gsoc: file transfer over jingle

Yann Leboulanger asterix at lagaule.org
Fri Mar 26 18:03:30 CDT 2010

Zhenchao Li wrote:
>   As far as I know the jingle protocol is kind of similar to the
> original stream initiation(xep-0095) conceptually. Apart from jingle
> being a newer, more general session negotiation protocol(general in the
> sense that there are already video, voice calls applications built on
> jingle) and SI practically being used only by SI file
> transfer(xep-0096), what are the advantages that jingle has over SI?
> Surely there are already clients that has support for jingle file
> transfer(pidgin, gtalk) so we definitely will see more clients
> implementing this, but, is there anything extra that jingle has brought
> us so we can improve the file transfer process? What's the rationale
> behind implementing file transfer over jingle given SI file transfer
> already works fine?

Jingle FT allows to use any transport you want, and especially ICE-TCP
that allow a better NAT traversal.


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