[jdev] Resource binding

Tomasz Sterna tomek at xiaoka.com
Sat Jan 30 10:22:19 CST 2010

Dnia 2010-01-29, pią o godzinie 07:52 -0700, Peter Saint-Andre pisze:
> You mean http://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/private-muc.html I suppose.
> It's not clear to me if we absolutely need multi-resource support in
> order to have private MUCs. And I wouldn't want to have a dependency
> on the server to provide private MUCs anyway. 

One may always establish multiple connections to bring up more
But I think resource binding is way simpler method.

BTW: What was the exact reasons for dropping it?
I didn't find it nor confusing, nor hard to implement.

- does not add another flow, just reuse existing one
- easy to implement (servers already support one resource bind and
multiple connections from one client)
- very straightforward once you get what resource bind is
  (and you need to bind one)

- ???

Tomasz Sterna
Instant Messaging & EDI Consultant
Open Source Developer
http://tomasz.sterna.tv/  http://www.xiaoka.com/

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