[jdev] gmail + non-SASL

Nathan Fritz nathanfritz at gmail.com
Tue Feb 23 21:29:59 CST 2010

You must be referring to the 5223 service? The resource hex values  
indicate the cluster node your session data. I imagine only one of the  
servers handles old-style jabber connections if it doesn't rewrite  
your resource.

Using the old style auth is NOT xmpp 1.0 compliant while the server  
rewriting resouces is acceptable in the spec and I think a really neat  
solution for cluster optimization.

Another reason for the lack of resource rewrite in old style jabber is  
that resource binding didn't exist. In short those connections are not  

-Nathan Fritz (cellphone)

On Feb 23, 2010, at 2:52 PM, Yann Leboulanger <asterix at lagaule.org>  

> Hi all,
> A user of my client pointed me that when we log to gmail server  
> without
> SASL, server doesn't add this annoying chars at the end of the  
> resource.
> We can at last have the resource we want.
> Now that means we perform plain text authentication, but over TLS.
> Any idea why using SASL gmail adds some random chars to resource and
> don't without SASL?
> Any opinion if it's a good idea to make the client don't use SASL when
> it's gmail server?
> Thanks for your opinion
> -- 
> Yann
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