[jdev] XEP-0080: adding location source information

Ilya Braude ilya at drakontas.com
Tue Feb 16 12:14:12 CST 2010

Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
> On 2/13/10 7:03 AM, Tuomas Koski wrote:
>> On 10 February 2010 22:44, Ilya Braude <ilya at drakontas.com> wrote:
>>> Another issue to consider is whether to recommend well-known values for the
>>> field.  GPS and manual are probably going to be the most common use cases,
>>> so standardized strings to represent them would be useful for
>>> interoperability.
>> In my humble opinion this is the trickiest part. I think there will be
>> crowing number of sources: GPS, manual, speedometer, Geode, Fire
>> Eagle, Latitude ... etc.
>> Should it be just a free text field with some values like GPS to be
>> recommended to use?

That's what I was thinking.  Let the field be free text, but also 
include some recommended values in the spec.

>> In the end we would have something like this, right? :
>> <geoloc xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/geoloc' xml:lang='en'>
>>  <source>GPS</source>
>>  <lat>45.44</lat>
>>  <lon>12.33</lon>
>> </geoloc>
>> <geoloc xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/geoloc' xml:lang='en'>
>>  <source>Open Street Map</source>
>>  <text>Marcon, Venezia, Veneto, Italy</text>
>>  <country>Italy</country>
>> </geoloc>
> Do we have two things here, a source type (e.g., GPS) and the name of
> the provider?

That's a good point.  For example if a user is using geode to generate 
lat/lon based on visible wifi access points, we could have something like:

<geoloc xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/geoloc' xml:lang='en'>

Otherwise, placing 'geode' in the source element would mask the actual 
location source.

Same thing for other providers like Fire Eagle, etc.


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