[jdev] GSoC Project Status

bear bear42 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 9 14:08:15 CDT 2010

Many of you who have been contacted by students for projects have
applied to be Mentor candidates and for that thanks!

If you are a GSoC student who has made a project application and you
*have* *not* contacted the project community you need to do so
immediately as they will be a big part of reviewing your proposal.

As of 1900 UTC (5 minutes ago as I write this) the XSF has received
quite a few proposals and so far we haven't had to mark any as "spam"
- very nice!

So if you are a project admin who wants to be considered a mentor,
please apply and if you have already could you please send me a direct
email so I can add you to my personal email address book :)

This is looking to be a very exciting GSoC year and i'm looking
forward to helping the students and mentors have a great year.


bear at xmpp.org (email)
bear42 at gmail.com (xmpp, email)
bear at code-bear.com (xmpp, email)
http://code-bear.com/bearlog (weblog)

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