[jdev] Spectrum 0.2 released

Paul Aurich paul at darkrain42.org
Thu Apr 8 13:55:10 CDT 2010

And Jan Kaluza spoke on 04/08/2010 03:50 AM, saying:
> On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 12:23 PM, Christoph
> <christoph.heer at googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks for this new and cool Spectrum Version. Some user of my Jabber server
>> would like a Skype transporter/gateway, I googled and I think that I found a
>> LibPurle module (http://code.google.com/p/skype4pidgin/). It is possible
>> that in the next versions a skype transporter integrated?
> We had a discussion about skype4pidgin today and some developers think
> this plugin violates GPL, so just now I'm undecided if I will support
> skype, so I can't promise anything. There were also discussions about
> this problem on pidgin's mailing list [1] [2]. But that's off-topic on
> this mailing list.
>> Other users ask me for a german translation of the forms of Spectrum. Can
>> you or someone of the team write a little documentation to create a
>> localisation that I create a german?
> Currently localization is not fully supported, but I can aim on it for
> next release.
>> Many Thanks and Good Work
>> Christoph Heer - JabMe.de

A few things that bear repeating are that that plugin requires the Skype
application be running *on the same computer* (and, AFAIK, does not spawn
it for you, nor configure it with your credentials, etc) and (I haven't run
Skype on my Linux computer in a while) probably requires an instance of
Skype per user.  I also suspect it doesn't work well with all those
instances running as the same user, but that's just a guess based on the
fact it's designed for single-user environments.

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