[jdev] Seeking jabber implementers for SCRAM-SHA-1 testing

Dave Cridland dave at cridland.net
Tue Nov 3 04:14:54 CST 2009

On Tue Nov  3 09:48:44 2009, Simon Josefsson wrote:
> Dave Cridland <dave at cridland.net> writes:
> > I have both an implementation of it and a suite of protocol
> > implementations that use it, including XMPP. (And IMAP, ESMTP,  
> and -
> > naturally - ACAP). I added SCRAM to see how much harder it was  
> than
> > DIGEST-MD5 - it turns out to be much, much easier. It's quite
> > possibly out of date WRT the spec, I did it during the last batch  
> of
> > GSSAPIisms.
> We'll find out. :-)
Probably, yes. :-)

> > I believe that Alexey has the majority, at least, of a server-side
> > SCRAM-SHA-1 implementation for Cyrus SASL, too.
> He told me it was only SCRAM-MD5, at least some time ago.
Yes, that's true. But my implementation also does SCRAM-MD5, so  
that's okay.

> > So in the short term, I can spin that up against whatever concrete
> > server you have that'll use SCRAM-SHA-1, I think. I believe it'll  
> do
> > at least some forms of channel binding, too.
> I have a public IMAP test server up and running with SCRAM-SHA-1
> support.  No channel binding support yet.  Host  
> 'nubb.josefsson.org',
> username 'user' and password 'pencil'.   See:

Excellent, I'll point my client at that and see what happens.

Dave Cridland - mailto:dave at cridland.net - xmpp:dwd at dave.cridland.net
  - acap://acap.dave.cridland.net/byowner/user/dwd/bookmarks/
  - http://dave.cridland.net/
Infotrope Polymer - ACAP, IMAP, ESMTP, and Lemonade

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