[jdev] XMPP Server Compliance Tests

Nathan Fritz nathanfritz at gmail.com
Thu May 21 16:40:18 CDT 2009

The XSF had a meeting today, and we decided to create a test harness for
server compliance on interop.xmpp.org.  As such, the
interop at xmpp.orgmailing list is being resurrected to discuss these
tests.  Matthew Wild and
I will be putting together the test harness, which will have a web interface
and a few small tests.  We hope to have all of this going in time for the
Summit to take lessons learned for building some larger tests.

These tests will be available to the community to help with test driven
development of servers.  The long term goals for these tests include the XSF
providing Compliance Certifications, although we've got a lot of work to get
done between now and then.  If you have tests that you use, we would like to
review it for adoption -- I'll publish a list of requirements in the near

If you'd like to discuss this further, please join the interop list.

Nathan Fritz
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