[jdev] processing iq stanza

Dickinson, Jonathan jonathan at dickinsons.co.za
Wed Jul 15 09:58:01 CDT 2009

The iq stanza will take the following route:

userA ---> domainA ---\
userB <--- domainB ---/

Once it reaches B it will come back with either a result or error. Thus:

userA ---> domainA ---\
userB <--- domainB ---/
| userB processes the packet
userB ---> domainB ---\
userA <--- domainA ---/

If you read between the lines that means you have two opportunities to process
that stanza - and you probably should use both of them.


Jonathan Dickinson

2009/7/15 Matus Zamborsky <zamborsky at b-ideas.eu>:
> Hi,
> I am reading through rfc 3920 and i am not quite sure about the routing of
> IQ stanzas. I will show what I mean on example:
> userA has jid userA at domainA.org
> userB has jid userB at domainB.org
> if userA sends  iq stanza with my own extension, is it possible for server
> domainA.org to do some useful work(store it in database for example) before
> routing it to server domainB.org?
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