[jdev] FOSDEM update

Peter Saint-Andre stpeter at stpeter.im
Tue Jan 6 15:33:17 CST 2009

In its weekly meeting just now, the XSF Board of Directors decided on
the following schedule for the FOSDEM weekend (to discuss further,
please join the summit at xmpp.org list, which you can do via the web at


Friday, February 6

A Jingle hackfest for developers who wish to code and test their
implemenations of Jingle, primarily at this point for voice and video.

Saturday, February 7

Public talks and tutorials for larger audiences at FOSDEM (we have a
"devroom" from noon to 6 PM); if you are interested in presenting a talk
or tutorial, please contact Peter Saint-Andre.

Sunday, February 8

Developers are free to attend the second day of the FOSDEM conference.
We'll need help manning the booth and attending talks to spread the word
about XMPP. Also expect many interesting "hallway" discussions and
continued hacking in the background.

Monday, February 9

The "summit" itself: Intensive discussions among core XMPP developers to
solve pressing problems in the XMPP "protocol stack"; the main topics
will probably be mobile optimizations, file transfer, and end-to-end
encryption as recently prioritized by the XMPP Council.


See you in Brussels!


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