[jdev] Show values of the Presence Message -> logout

Tomasz Sterna tomek at xiaoka.com
Sat Jan 3 07:38:07 CST 2009

Dnia 2009-01-02, pią o godzinie 23:32 +0100, naw pisze:
> When I'm on "Home" and "Psi" and I disconnect from "Home" I get:
> <presence from="xxxx at jabberes.org/Home" type="unavailable" 
> to="xxxx at jabberes.org/Psi" /> 
> I don't remember to be subscribed explicitly to myself.

Why don't you just make the effort and read XMPP-IM RFC?

"The user's server MUST also send the presence stanza to all of the
user's available resources (including the resource that generated the
presence notification in the first place)."


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