[jdev] eComm developer "scholarships" available

Lee S Dryburgh dryburghl at gmail.com
Wed Feb 4 12:13:54 CST 2009

The Emerging Communications Conference (eComm) is the World's
Leading-Edge Telecom, Internet Communications and Mobile Innovation
event. It attracts the World's Leading Futurists, Developers and
Smartest, most forward thinking Exec's that are exploring
Opportunities. It's a Must Attend for those responsible for
evaluating, specifying and creating communications infrastructure or

For more information please see http://eCommConf.com

It's might be worth noting that Peter Andre Kindly spoke for the debut 08

*** We have twenty developer "scholarships" to giveaway. ***

To apply you must meet the following criteria:

1) Be an independent developer or be part of a very small group
2) Have work that demonstrates your development skills
3) A genuine claim not to have the finances to pay the entry fee
(currently 1790.00 USD)

If your work is innovative (particularly if it could debut) we may
even be able to find you stage time (if desired).

To apply, simply send an email outlining your case to:
2009_scholarships at eCommConf.com

And finally, best of luck!



Gmail: lee.dryburgh
Twitter: leedryburgh
Skype: leedryburgh


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