[jdev] Converting one-on-one chat into a multi-user conference

Dave Cridland dave at cridland.net
Thu Dec 10 10:05:43 CST 2009

On Thu Dec 10 11:55:41 2009, Jonas Ådahl wrote:
> What clients are there that supports this part of MUC, and are
> developers of other clients planning to add this feature?

There's server support, too.

In particular, the history upload functionality described in Section  
7.6 is needed, and we don't do this.

The problem is that as currently specified, there's no indication  
that the history was uploaded by (to use Ex 53) crone1, and it  
appears to have been genuinely uttered in the room by wiccarocks.

In these example, that's exactly what happened, of course - but what  
if the user is presented with an apparent conversation between two  
people, ending in "Sure, invite Jonas into the conversation, but I  
have to go". How are you supposed to know if the person really was  
there at all?

We could address this in various ways - like an additional, or  
perhaps different, <delay> element, or some other server-inserted  
indicator. But this really does need sorting out before I'm terribly  
happy writing in the code.

Dave Cridland - mailto:dave at cridland.net - xmpp:dwd at dave.cridland.net
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