[jdev] XMPPXpert

Mickaël Rémond mickael.remond at process-one.net
Sat Sep 27 01:37:48 CDT 2008

I think we can help you.
I will be visiting customer in LA on the 20th of October. Maybe we can  
discuss the project beforehand and deal with the details at this time  
( or earlier if you are in hurry)

Mickael Remond

Le 26 sept. 08 à 22:21, Adam Pisoni <apisoni at geni.com> a écrit :

> Someone kindly pointed out I neglected to give any technical
> details.   We're using ejabberd as our jabber server and ruby on the
> app side.  We wrote a custom xmpp component using xmpp4r.   Were also
> using pyaimt as our aim transport.   We use strophe as our xmpp
> javascript client for bosh.   Thanks to the chesspark guys for
> strophe.  We're located in la if you're interested.
> Adam
> On Sep 26, 2008, at 9:38 AM, Adam Pisoni wrote:
>> First I want to thank those of you who helped us get yammer (formerly
>> known as workfeed) launched.   We received so much help from the
>> community and we couldn't have done it without you.      We had
>> planned to launch with message push to the browser via BOSH, but were
>> unable to have a fully production ready implementation by launch day
>> despite all the work we put into it.    Now, I really want to get  
>> live and clean up our IM services but have also had trouble finding
>> the time to dedicate to it.
>> I'm hoping there's someone out there who might want to help us finish
>> what we started.     We're looking for the right person with the  
>> right
>> skills either full-time or contract, on-site or off.   We are doing
>> some really exciting things here at a scale that is still somewhat
>> rare for BOSH/XMPP.   We're also big on open sourcing a lot of the
>> work we do and have already open sourced our jabber component
>> framework, even though it needs work.   Which is part of what we need
>> help on.
>> So without belaboring the point, if you or someone you know is
>> qualified and wants to help us work on some pretty awesome stuff,
>> please drop me a line.
>> --
>> Adam Pisoni
>> VP of Engineering, Yammer.com
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