[jdev] ruby xmppd, and Psi

Eric Will rakaur at malkier.net
Thu Sep 18 10:16:25 CDT 2008

This is ugly, but it (kind of) works:

   resp = Base64.decode64(elem.text)
    re = /(\w+\s*=\s*(?:(?:"[^"]+")|(?:[^,]+)))/

    m = re.match resp

    response = {}
    k, v = m[1].split('=',2)
    v.gsub!(/^"(.*)"$/, '\1')
    response[k] = v

    while (m = re.match m.post_match)
        k, v = m[1].split('=',2)
        v.gsub!(/^"(.*)"$/, '\1')
        response[k] = v

Unfortunately, it also kills the '=' on cnonce.

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