[jdev] Retrieving Items from PubSub

vatsarv vatsarv.3fv8dr at no-mx.jabberforum.org
Wed Sep 17 00:01:57 CDT 2008

In the Pubsub, my subscription is configured to receive the
notifications without the payload. My intention is to receive only the
notification initially. The complete message with payload is fetched
ONLY if I need it. 

The notification received by the subscriber will also get the itemID,
which is the ID given by the server while publishing. I was expecting
that the subscriber can use this itemID to retrieve this particular item
from the pubsub server. But, I dont this it is possible.

My questions:
1) Is it possible to retrieve a particular item from the pubsub server
by providing its itemID? If yes, I was also expecting an error case
called 'Item not found'
2) If the answer to Q1 is NO, then why is the itemId delivered along
with the notification?


vatsarv's Profile: http://www.jabberforum.org/member.php?userid=17105
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