[jdev] Communicate between two client instances of the same ID

Justin Karneges justin-keyword-jabber.093179 at affinix.com
Tue Sep 2 21:58:34 CDT 2008

> >> Requests will be a few KBytes, replies a few KBytes to a few hundred
> >> KBytes typically. For larger replies, I suppose I can chunk them up
> >
> > Hmm. XMPP is not optimized for sending around 100k+ messages.
> Would 64KB chunks a reasonable thing to do?

That's probably still too high.  There is currently no specified maximum size 
for XMPP stanzas, but individual implementations may enforce different 
values.  The original jabberd 1.0 server had around a 10KB maximum.  The 
general consensus is that stanzas should be "small", and this is largely in 
part because large stanzas block transmission of other stanzas (you cannot 
send many stanzas in parallel over one stream).

Any XMPP-based protocol which might need to transmit large datasets should 
have a mechanism for chunking or paging.  See XEP-47 or XEP-59 as building 


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