[jdev] Data Forms with bots

Arne Claassen arne at getorganyzd.com
Sun Oct 26 09:46:55 CDT 2008


thanks for the reply.

On Oct 26, 2008, at 7:15 AM, Andreas Monitzer wrote:

> I was the one who added XMPP forms support to libpurple (and thus,
> pidgin and Adium), but I've never tested push-type forms. This may
> simply be a limitation of my implementation, since I didn't consider
> this to be important (because I didn't have any program that was able
> to do this). Should be easy to fix though.

Ok, so that means that at least per spec, if a client supports "jabber:x:data 
" it should pop up a form included in a <message> stanza?

> Forms generated as a reply to ad-hoc commands are supported in
> libpurple. However, pidgin doesn't support the discovery browser (too
> XMPP-specific), so I guess only Adium can actually send ad-hoc
> commands via the browser (you can open it in the account's menu from
> the file menu).

I guess my question is how should commands exposed by a bot show up in  
pidgin if at all? When a server supports commands they become part of  
the account dropdown in both pidgin. So if a bot returned

<feature var='http://jabber.org/protocol/commands'/>

as part of  general discovery, does libpurple then do an additional  
<iq> to get the commands and if so, should the commands show up under  
the user's dropdown? I guess this is both a question of "is this how  
the spec says it should work?" and "does libpurple support this?". I  
guess it's also a question if this is outside the scope of libpurple  
and something that pidgin and adium would have to explicitly implement  
using what libpurple exposes?

My curiosity stems mostly from wanting to build an admin interface  
onto my bot. Right now it already has a simple text command DSL, but  
forms would be very useful for more complex interactions.


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