[jdev] JID -> OpenID mapping?

Tomasz Sterna tomek at xiaoka.com
Wed Oct 15 07:09:10 CDT 2008

Dnia 2008-10-15, śro o godzinie 13:58 +0200, Fabio Forno pisze:
> I'd like to be able to use my jid everywhere, but the problem with
> having a 1-1 association between your JID and OpenID is that it
> troubles many people about privacy.

The great thing about OpenID is that _you_ decide what information you
are willing to share with the requesting party. Thus it protects your
privacy completely.

The thing is I want to be known as smoku at xiaoka.com without the need to
complement it with http://smoku.openid.pl/

  /\_./o__ Tomasz Sterna
 (/^/(_^^' http://www.xiaoka.com/
._.(_.)_   im:smoku at xiaoka.com

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