[jdev] TLS version clarification for RFC 3920

Dave Cridland dave at cridland.net
Wed Oct 15 03:56:44 CDT 2008

On Wed Oct 15 09:47:43 2008, Norman Rasmussen wrote:
> So it looks like SSLv3 allows compression

Yes, but the identifiers are not standardized.

FWIW, that function isn't needed with TLSv1, either, as long as you  
use OpenSSL 0.9.8 or later - it all just happens. Prior versions can  
be made to do compression, but it's not all that simple as I recall.

Dave Cridland - mailto:dave at cridland.net - xmpp:dwd at dave.cridland.net
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Infotrope Polymer - ACAP, IMAP, ESMTP, and Lemonade

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