[jdev] c/c++ libraries for xmpp client

Jonathan Schleifer js-jdev at webkeks.org
Thu Nov 27 08:34:54 CST 2008

Am 27.11.2008 um 08:04 schrieb Andreas Monitzer:

> Kinda offtopic, but what about libFoundation?

This project is dead for almost 10 years :(.
But I decided to not revive it so I can have something released under  
BSD license, which is more free :).

> Having a XMPP-library
> for Cocoa would be very nice!

Having one that doesn't need Cocoa would be even nicer, as that'd be  
portable :).
That's why I wanted to finish my framework first and then write an XML  
client library for my framework, which works happily together with  
Cocoa. Acutally, my main development machine for it is running OS X  
PPC :).

> There is one included with Colloquy, I think it's usable as a separate
> library, too:
> http://colloquy.info/project/browser/trunk/Frameworks/Acid
> I found another one in development (or maybe it's dead, too, since
> there doesn't seem to have been any updates for a year):
> http://italk.xiaoka.com/wiki/XMPPFramework

They both need Cocoa, so it's not possible to write portable apps with  
them :(.


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