[jdev] Getting individual roster items

Arne Claassen arne at getorganyzd.com
Tue Nov 25 11:10:30 CST 2008

Ok, cool. I was afraid that the ejabberd roundrobin meant that the  
component instances wouldn't see all traffic. As i said, i need to do  
a spike on components.


On Nov 25, 2008, at 8:54 AM, Jack Moffitt wrote:

>> Thanks for the info on components. I definitely need to read up a bit
>> more on it. The only snag I see is that right now, I am taking
>> advantage of broadcast and resource affinity behavior of client bots
>> that can be achieved by sending to the jid with or without a resource
>> identifier. With components, it seems requests would get round- 
>> robined
>> in ejabberd, which is actually not desirable for the way my bot
>> currently addresses scaling.
> Your component will get anything sent to the domain portion, including
> any node and resources used.  So it's easy enough to write your own
> stanza router inside the component if all you need is broadcast to all
> resources of a bare JID.
> jack.
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