[jdev] How to Do Groupchat in Jabber

ashiraz ashiraz.3ir32n at no-mx.jabberforum.org
Wed Nov 12 00:57:03 CST 2008

Justin Karneges;4921 Wrote: 
> On Tuesday 11 November 2008 22:03:03 ashiraz wrote:[color=blue]
> >These are essentially generic bounce responses indicating that a
> working XMPP 
> stream could not be established between your server and
> jabber.ietf.org.
> The problem is that 'henryviii' isn't a valid domain that is publicly 
> accessible.  When your server connects to jabber.ietf.org, your server
> states 
> that it is henryviii.  The jabber.ietf.org server then separately
> connects 
> back to henryviii to verify that this is true (it resolves 'henryviii'
> via 
> DNS, then TCP connects to the result on port 5269).  You need to make
> sure 
> the domain of your server exists, and that resolving and connecting to
> port 
> 5269 will reach your machine.
> This "dialback" procedure is a standard mechanism in Jabber to prevent
> domain 
> spoofing.
> -Justin

Oh that explains what you meant by publicly accessible. MY jabber
server has to be publicly accessible! It makes sense. Sorry I was in
haste and was not thinking clearly. So, my machine has to have a proper
static ip address and a domain name that links up to that ip address. 
My "home" machine that is running ejabberd has an IP address but I dont
think its accessible from the outside. I have an IP address which I
obtain from connecting via ethernet. I can't try connectig with/joining
the chatroom on the remote server with just my IP address , can I?

That is why I was trying gtalk but that would entail using the
encrypted channel thing.

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