[jdev] help us fix jabberd2 and get $500

Peter Saint-Andre stpeter at stpeter.im
Fri May 23 09:49:57 CDT 2008

On 05/23/2008 7:35 AM, Sander Devrieze wrote:
> 2008/5/23 Peter Saint-Andre <stpeter at stpeter.im>:
>> On 05/23/2008 3:16 AM, Cyprian wrote:
>>> there is no link at the bottom of this email. Could you send me this link?
>> Somehow I've always thought that people who are smart enough to write
>> code are smart enough to figure out how to unsubscribe from a list
>> they've subscribed to in the first place. That assumption may not be
>> valid, so I'll add back the per-message footers (which BTW prevent a
>> message from being properly signed with digital signatures, oh well).
> Can you maybe also add Unsubscribe mailto links on
> http://www.jabber.org/discussion-lists ? Maybe also with a strong or
> h1 tag so that people will easily find.

Added, though not with <h1>, that's a bit garish for this purpose.


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