[jdev] Facebook XMPP

Sander Devrieze s.devrieze at pandora.be
Thu May 22 13:03:21 CDT 2008

2008/5/22 Daniel Henninger <Daniel.Henninger at jivesoftware.com>:
> Any reason not to go ahead and add it?  I also wouldn't mind seeing:
> simple
> sametime
> ocs
> And hell:
> xmpp
> Since such a thing does exist.  =)  I'm actually also using gtalk, but I
> don't really think that ought to be officially registered.  *shrug*  =)

Yes, why do you actually have such a transport? AFAICS this only can
confuse people, or am I wrong and are there good reasons to have it?

Mvg, Sander Devrieze.

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