[jdev] Facebook XMPP

Nicolas Vérité nicolas.verite at gmail.com
Fri May 16 03:42:08 CDT 2008

Yes, but please, PLEASE, never ever forget anymore those BIG players:

* Gadu-Gadu in Poland
* Nate On in South Korea
* QQ in China
* soon Baidu Hi in China

All of them are deeply anchored in their area of adoption,
even if you don't see them from your part of the world.

Remember also that AIM/MSN/ICQ/Yahoo are SMALL!


On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 12:33 AM, Sander Devrieze <s.devrieze at pandora.be> wrote:
> 2008/5/15 JabberForum <list-jdev at jabberforum.org>:
>> I aggree. I don't really see a point in having an open letter. They know
>> of our existence, and they'll contact us soon enough.
> An open letter maybe can be useful if it is done as some kind of press
> release. First contact several potential walled garden owners and get
> them to support the open letter by switching to XMPP. Then list them
> in this letter or let them publish this letter or something like that.
> Overview of the battle field, in order of how easy it will be to get
> them to use XMPP (I may be wrong here):
> 1) Walled garden networks of social networks and things like
> that<--They will be the easiest to convert to XMPP as their market
> share is too small and they need to start from zero regarding clients.
> XMPP also seems to have the right features for them.
> 2) Yahoo<--There market share is the smallest of the big walled garden
> networks and I guess it is diminishing. Also, in order to get some
> more protection against a hostile takeover of Microsoft, they may want
> to adopt XMPP. As Micosoft really wants to get more important on the
> Internet, this argument is also true for social networks that want to
> protect themselves (cfr. Facebook)
> 3) AIM/ICQ<--I believe AOL's market share is also diminishing, but
> it's still big and they don't have to fair a hostile takeover bid I
> guess. It will be harder to get them converted. A good reason for them
> to adopt XMPP early would be that they still have a big market share.
> If they don't wait to long with switching, they will be able to
> control the direction of XMPP more easily than if they wait until they
> are forced to switch.
> 4) MSN<--This will be the hardest. I guess it may be XMPP versus MSN
> for a relative long time. Microsoft integrated MSN in all its software
> and services. The best way is probably to focus on giving the whole
> XMPP world a stronger position in companies; if enough companies ask
> XMPP support in Microsoft's products, Microsoft will be forced to add
> it, but it will not be easy.
> --
> Mvg, Sander Devrieze.

Nicolas Vérité (Nÿco) mailto:nicolas.verite at gmail.com
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