[jdev] Facebook XMPP

Peter Saint-Andre stpeter at stpeter.im
Thu May 15 17:39:15 CDT 2008

On 05/15/2008 4:33 PM, Sander Devrieze wrote:
> 2008/5/15 JabberForum <list-jdev at jabberforum.org>:
>> I aggree. I don't really see a point in having an open letter. They know
>> of our existence, and they'll contact us soon enough.
> An open letter 

I don't believe in open letters. How gauche!

> maybe can be useful if it is done as some kind of press
> release. 

Issued by whom? The XSF issued its last press release on 2007-01-16 and
we (that's the royal we) decided that we would stop doing press releases
because they are *so* 20th-century. Now we just blog:


> First contact several potential walled garden owners and get
> them to support the open letter by switching to XMPP. Then list them
> in this letter or let them publish this letter or something like that.

There are much better ways to convince companies to federate.

> Overview of the battle field, 

Who said anything about a war?


Peter Saint-Andre

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