[jdev] [OT] XMPP icons

Sander Devrieze s.devrieze at pandora.be
Mon Jul 7 06:54:04 CDT 2008

2008/7/7 Dave Cridland <dave at cridland.net>:
> That said, how did you contact the council? I don't remember anything
> on the Council list, for example.

AFAIK that list is private and read-only for the public. (I did send
an email or IM to stpeter and maybe someone else)

> But again, this would be a board matter - you ought to re-raise this
> on the XSF's Members list,

You need to be a member for doing that.

> or send it to the XSF Board list directly.

I did send it to the big boss himself ;-)


Mvg, Sander Devrieze.

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