[jdev] PyICQ-t branch / PyICQ-t fork?

Tomasz Sterna tomek at xiaoka.com
Fri Jul 4 04:38:24 CDT 2008

Dnia 2008-07-04, pią o godzinie 11:24 +0200, Jonathan Schleifer pisze:
> I didn't really want to fork, but what should I do if the project
> is totally dead?

Do what I did with jabberd2. Do not fork, just pick up and go on.
If you do a good job, your version would eventually become
"official". :-)

P.S. I'm willing to host your version at http://jtransports.xiaoka.com/
  /\_./o__ Tomasz Sterna
 (/^/(_^^' http://www.xiaoka.com/
._.(_.)_   im:smoku at xiaoka.com

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