[jdev] Financial messaging via XMPP

Martin Sustrik sustrik at fastmq.com
Fri Jan 25 05:10:23 CST 2008

Hi all,

We are a company making financial messaging (www.zeromq.org). As for 
now, we were mostly focused on AMQP, however, I've noticed several 
discussions where the bottom line was: "What's AMQP good for, given that 
we can do the same thing via XMPP?"

So, we would actually like to make XMPP plugin to our software to find 
out how it fits financial market's needs. However, being new to XMPP I 
have no idea where to start. Can you point me to some explanation of how 
a high-volume stream of  asynchronous opaque binary messages can be 
passed via XMPP?

Thanks for help.

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