[jdev] IMPORTANT www.jabber.org software listings

Tomasz Sterna tomek at xiaoka.com
Sun Feb 24 18:31:58 CST 2008

Dnia 2008-02-25, Pn o godzinie 01:16 +0100, Peter Saint-Andre pisze:
> Because we want to do this:
>    openssl s_client -connect example.com:5223 -CAfile ca.crt
> AFAIK there is no good way to do something similar for STARTTLS
> connections. If you know of a way, please do let us know.

This is just laziness...
Write a proper custom check tool. You will gather more information with
it, beside the certificate.

  /\_./o__ Tomasz Sterna
 (/^/(_^^' http://www.xiaoka.com/
._.(_.)_   im:smoku at xiaoka.com

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