[jdev] IMPORTANT www.jabber.org software listings

Peter Saint-Andre stpeter at stpeter.im
Sun Feb 24 11:37:10 CST 2008

Hello developers!

The good news: we updated the jabber.org website last night to the new
Drupal infrastructure.

The bad news: if you added your project to the software listings when
the site was hosted at stage.jabber.org, you need to re-add your
information. Somehow in the process of updating the machine's IP
address, the Drupal version, the file path, and many other things,
Drupal lost the ability to display the data you entered before. So now
you must:

1. Go to http://www.jabber.org/

2. Log in

3. Visit the appropriate software page:

   - http://www.jabber.org/clients
   - http://www.jabber.org/servers
   - http://www.jabber.org/components
   - http://www.jabber.org/libraries

4. Click the link for your project -- you will see a PHP error at the
top of the page (yay!) and no project information

5. Click the "Edit" tab and re-add your information

6. Click the "Submit" button

Your page will now be populated with your project information.

I'm sorry that you early adopters need to go through this step, but
unfortunately it's necessary. I promise to buy you a beer next time I
see you. :)


Peter Saint-Andre

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