[jdev] XMPP Operators Group

Peter Saint-Andre stpeter at stpeter.im
Tue Feb 19 12:07:57 CST 2008

I have created an open discussion list for operators of XMPP services:


Background here:


This list is *not*:

- for newbie server admins (use JAdmin instead) and assumes that you
have an XMPP service up and running

- for developers of XMPP server software (use JDev instead), although
naturally such developers are welcome to subscrib

- for protocol geeks (use Standards instead), although the discussions
may provide input to standardization efforts.

This list *is* for people who run XMPP services and want to:

- compare notes

- discuss deployment challenges

- debug s2s federation issues

- find contact information for operators of other services

- share information about bad actors on the network

- etc.



Peter Saint-Andre

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