[jdev] thread implementation in messages

Jonathan Schleifer js-jdev at webkeks.org
Mon Dec 15 03:57:51 CST 2008

Am 15.12.2008 um 10:51 schrieb Philippe Sultan:

> I was wondering if the thread element, used to identify  
> conversations, is actually implemented in some XMPP clients, or if  
> there are plans to implement it.

Yes, it is, in Gajim. It's required due to the ESessions support.

> This seems to be a long standing feature request in Adium/libpurple  
> (trac.adiumx.com/ticket/8319), but I don't know if other projects  
> plan to include it, and which projects actually did.

It might be reworked somewhen, as the current XEPs are a bit unclear  
on how to define a thread and when a thread gets terminated.


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