[jdev] Looking for developer - RFP

dean.collins dean.collins.3dzpmn at no-mx.jabberforum.org
Mon Aug 11 12:57:32 CDT 2008

(I've been asked to post in this list instead) 

I'm looking for a developer (team?) to build me a turn key xmpp
server/community website.

Please email me dean 'at' cognation.net for a full copy of the draft
RFP if you are able to deliver this solution, a brief outline is
available below.

thanks in advance

Dean Collins


The purpose of this document is to request a RFP from development
companies for the implementation of a LiveChat xmpp application to run
on a new website.

The intention of this document is to outline the initial scope of works
and act as a stimulus for moving forward and is not to be considered a
binding contract for development or a complete list of requirements.


The LiveChat website will be a destination website.

The intention is that people will log in to the website and chat real
time with each other around specific discussion topics with a limited
window time for each topic.

For Example;

Room 1 – Middle East Politics – 1pm to 2pm Room 2 – USA Financial
Projections – 1pm to 2pm
Room 1 – Cooking Italian – 2pm to 3pm Room 2 – Learning Spanish – 2pm
to 3pm

When you type the LiveChat url into your browser you will be presented
with a lobby of all discussions currently being held at that time and
login entry details.

After entering your login details you simply choose the discussion that
you want to participate in and are placed into the chat room with other
people discussing the same topic. It is our desire to use a browser
based ajax xmpp client to enable the users to chat in the individual
chat rooms. Along with the resizable chat content panel an advertising
carousel and ‘function’ icons will allow for navigation.

The idea simply is that you will have an outlet to interact with people
wishing to discuss the same topic as you for a fixed period of time.

At the end of the allocated discussion time the chat room and all of
its dialog will be torn down and deleted and users ‘pushed’ back into
the lobby.

Whilst people may choose to then ‘join’ another room from the lobby,
the concept is to tightly intertwine chat with the discussion topic
itself within defined time periods. 
Functionality Differences

Through our research with existing chat application vendors it has
become apparent that “LiveChat” as a destination for a fixed period of
time based on a single discussion just hasn’t been implemented.

Although it would be quite easy for other sites to implement/mimic our
application; the standard concept of a Chat Room is a 24x7 continuous
destination where people log in and out at leisure. Whilst some rooms
have specific topics these rooms by their very nature are designed to be
continuous and not driven by fixed timeframes.


The time frame for public launch of the LiveChat website will be at the
very latest December 2008 but could be brought forward either by using
off the shelf existing applications with customization or pushed back
through other commitments of development partners.

Development Costs

Apart from application development costs and basic web UI; it is
hopeful we can keep costs to a minimum. 

As this site will have a minimal revenue from advertising support,
development costs need to be kept to a tight budget, hopefully
advertising revenues should be more than enough to support the ongoing
development of additional features for this website.

dean.collins's Profile: http://www.jabberforum.org/member.php?userid=17175
View this thread: http://www.jabberforum.org/showthread.php?t=570

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