[jdev] Eventing and SOAP

Jonathan Dickinson jonathanD at k2.com
Fri Aug 8 10:59:57 CDT 2008

Hi All,

I am looking at the integration points for my server now (specifically into the product that my employer develops). It is a workflow solution (www.k2.net<http://www.k2.net>), and I am trying to figure out the best way to notify users that they have work in such as way that:

1.       IM clients apart from our own still tell the user that they have work. A Sharepoint web address or such would be given in the body of the message.

2.       Our IM client detects that an agent (mobile agent <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_agent>) is present in the stanza and fires it up instead of giving the user the message.

My thoughts are to simply do the following:
<message from="worklist.k2workflow.com" to="fred at k2workflow.com" type="message">
  <body>You have work. Visit http://www.denallix.com/workitem.aspx?uid=12345abc</body>
 <agent xmlns="urn:com:k2:agent"><!-- Agent description XML here --></agent>

I need to know if any clients would possibly have problems with a stanza in that form, or maybe if someone has a better idea :). Thanks in advance.

AND... I also gave some more thought to SOAP and a nice clean <pun> way to implement discovery within a jabber context alone. I thought of using UDDI over XMPP (as it is itself a SOAP standard), this is merely a suggestion, but how about the following:

<iq type='result'
    to='romeo at montague.net/orchard'
  <query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items'>
    <item jid='uddi.shakespeare.lit'
          name='SOAP discovery service'/>
    <item jid='foo at uddi.shakespeare.lit'
                name='Some service'/>

My syntax may all be wrong, but I am sure you get the idea. The client could the start doing UDDI calls against the uddi.shakespeare.lit node. Also (as demonstrated) the server can broadcast any SOAP services it supports upfront.

-- Jonathan

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