[jdev] Google to Connect to Other IM Networks Using Jabber Transports?

Norman Rasmussen norman at rasmussen.co.za
Mon Nov 5 08:53:21 CST 2007

On Nov 5, 2007 4:46 PM, Andre-John Mas <ajmas at sympatico.ca> wrote:
> The only thing, is I am not sure I can imagine how they would deal
> with MSN, which allows for accounts with domain names which aren't in the
> msn.com or hotmail.com realm.

Maybe force the xmpp domain for all msn contacts to be msn.com and
then users would have a jid of: joebloggs%hotmail.com at msn.com (yugh,
depricated!) or joebloggs\40hotmail at msn.com if you're using jid
escaping properly.

- Norman Rasmussen
 - Email: norman at rasmussen.co.za
 - Home page: http://norman.rasmussen.co.za/

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