[jdev] enterprise application using jabber protocol

Norman Rasmussen norman at rasmussen.co.za
Thu May 31 04:28:46 CDT 2007

On 5/31/07, Bagus Ardianto <bagus at suryasoft.net> wrote:
> I'm a newbie in jabber.
> What should I do to get understand about application that using jabber
> protocol? May I know example of the enterprise application too and how
> to build it step by step.

You're probably best off downloading a jabber client, and creating an
account on a jabber server somewhere.  Most clients support XML
Consoles, so you can get a good idea of the type of data that is sent
across the network.  Also you probably want to read RFC 3920 and 3921,
and possibly some of the XEP's.

- Norman Rasmussen
 - Email: norman at rasmussen.co.za
 - Home page: http://norman.rasmussen.co.za/

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