[jdev] mu-conference 0.7 RC1 is ready !

Grégoire Menuel gregoire.menuel at gmail.com
Fri May 25 06:39:03 CDT 2007

mu-conference is a server-side implementation of XEP-0045 (Multi-User Chat).

The new version of mu-conference is almost there, here comes the first release 
candidate. Hopefully the final version will be out in a week.

This new version comes with a lot of bugfixes and improvement. The most 
important change is that now mu-conference doesn't depend anymore on 
jabberd14, it's fully an external component (so no need for jcr either, in 
fact a stripped down version of jcr is bundled). Be careful when updating, 
the configuration file as changed a bit.

This version should be XEP-0045 compliant (all the REQUIRED parts), if some 
things are not good, please fill a bug report.

You can get this release at : 
To fill bugs reports : https://gna.org/bugs/?func=additem&group=mu-conference

ChangeLog :
 - XEP-0045 compliance
 - Support for MySQL in order to integrate mu-conference in web pages (this 
doesn't replace the spool dir)
 - Nick registration with the server is possible
 - XHTML logs are now XHTML compliant, and it's possible to use a stylesheet.
 - Code optimizations (thanks to Mark Doliner)
 - Many bugfixes

See http://svn.gna.org/svn/mu-conference/tags/0.7_RC1/ChangeLog for a more 
complete changelog
Grégoire Menuel
xmpp:omega at im.apinc.org
GPG: 1024D/D3BF3B20

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