[jdev] Net::XMPP and Net::Jabber maintenance

Eric Hacker lists at erichacker.com
Fri Mar 9 07:50:37 CST 2007

On 3/8/07, Peter Saint-Andre <stpeter at jabber.org> wrote:
> Eric Hacker wrote:
> > Is anyone maintaining Net::XMPP and Net::Jabber? I've got some patches
> > to fix a few bugs and some other issues.
> I don't think so. Someone contacted me last year with a patch for a
> nasty bug in Net:XMPP and I tried to contact the author without success.
> However, I'm sure that I could get through to him if needed (I know
> people who must know his phone number). Perhaps you and "elmex" could
> contact me offlist and I can try to coordinate communications (IMHO it's
> always good to have a clean handoff when a project needs a new maintainer).

I contacted elmex. What he is working on would be Net::XMPP2 or
something clearly different, as it will not have the same API.

I found on JabberStudio.org that there was a different bug fix applied
to the source code in the CVS repository about 15 months ago, but that
was never set to CPAN. I have to patch my changes with those and
retest before doing anything.

Is there a way to add me to the Net::XMPP project so that I'd have a
commit bit for Net::XMPP and Net::Jabber. I don't imagine too much
changing since many Perl projects are using other XMPP/Jabber
libraries now.


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