[jdev] FOSDEM Virtual Presence slides

Heiner Wolf wolf at bluehands.de
Tue Feb 27 15:41:37 CST 2007


someone asked me to make the slides of the FOSDEM talk available. I just added a link to the brand new "Slides" section of the JabberWiki: http://wiki.jabber.org/index.php/FOSDEM_2007#Slides

I wonder, if we will see Peter's 500 slides. Or was the number closer to 5222? Lets see, 45 minutes, average speed 4 words per sec: 10800 words. 2 words per slide make 5400 slides. I bet he made it exactly 2.07 words per page. 

Dr. Heiner Wolf
+49 (0721) 2542 369
Open Source Future History: www.galactic-developments.de (de)

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