[jdev] XMPP Server/Client for WIN CE 5.0

Alexander Gnauck gnauck at ag-software.de
Fri Dec 7 16:29:48 CST 2007

PTrehan at westell.com schrieb:
> I am looking for vendor or open-source project that can provide me with
> XMPP Server/Client on WIN CE 5.0.
> I already went through list of XMPP clients/server on jabber.org and don’t
> see the XMPP server for WIN CE 5.0.

there is Nebohodimo IM Client (http://nhim.wiki.sourceforge.net/) which 
is based on our agsXMPP library and an open source project. You could 
also use agsXMPP to create a CE server, but I'm not aware of a server 
for Win CE.


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